Pirates kidnap four off Equatorial Guinea

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LONDON/ABUJA | Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:29pm EDT
(Reuters) - Pirates kidnapped four crew members when they attacked a container ship off the coast of Equatorial Guinea, the vessel's management company said on Thursday.
Hamburg-based shipping firm Leonhardt and Blumberg said the four hostages - two Ukrainians, a Russian and one from the Pacific island nation of Kiribati - were taken when the Liberia-flagged Hansa Marburg was attacked on Tuesday by armed men.
The raid took place around 130 nautical miles off the coast of the small West African oil producer.
A Greek-flagged oil tanker, Cap Theodora, was unsuccessfully attacked twice in the last week off the coast of Nigeria, close to where the Hansa Marburg was boarded, security sources say. They believe the attacks are linked.
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea region, which includes Africa's biggest oil producer Nigeria, is increasingly pushing up the cost for shipping firms.
The region is an important source of oil, cocoa and metals for worldmarkets, but international navies are not actively engaged there in counter-piracy missions at present. Many vessels are forced to anchor off Nigeria with little protection, making them a soft target for criminals.
By contrast, naval patrols and the deployment of armed guards on ships have sharply curbed piracy off Somalia on Africa's eastern coast.
(Reporting by Jonathan Saul in London and Joe Brock in Abuja; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

Italian Law on the use of armed guards onboard ships (Law Decree no. 107/2011)

The awaited Italian Regulation on the 

employment of contractors on board Italian

 flagged ships sailing in international waters

 under piracy risk has been issued on 29th March

 2013 on the Italian Official Gazzette. The 

Regulation integrates the antipiracy measures

 adopted by Law Decree no. 107/2011. The

 Regulation is in force since 13th April 2013. 

click link below for more info:

Nigeria Delta militants kill 12 police in boat ambush

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Eni SpA
15:30:00 BST
Royal Dutch Shell PLC
15:41:00 BST
YENAGOA, Nigeria | Sun Apr 7, 2013 7:30pm BST
(Reuters) - Nigerian militants have ambushed a police boat in the oil-producing Niger Delta region, killing 12 police officers, authorities said on Sunday.
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), the main delta militant group before a 2009 amnesty, claimed responsibility for Friday's attack, staged shortly after it had threatened to resume its campaign of violence.
However, another of the armed groups roaming Africa's top oil producer said it had carried out the ambush near the village of Azuzama, which a further 38 police officers survived.
MEND, whose activities at their peak cut oil production in Nigeria by around half before the amnesty, threatened to restart attacks this week in retaliation for the jailing of its leader Henry Okah by a South African court.
MEND said it had attacked the boat heading to a funeral in Bayelsa state because government forces had refused to take its threat seriously.
"For dismissing (our statement) ... as an 'empty threat', heavily armed fighters from ... MEND intercepted and engaged government security forces in a fierce gunfight at Azuzama," said an emailed statement signed by Jomo Gbomo, a pseudonym the group uses.


3rg Security Services

In January this year, the Security in Complex Environments Group (SCEG) asked City & Guilds (C&Gs) to develop an MSO qualification based on the competencies in the new international standard for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs): ISO28007 [Guidelines for PMSCs providing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board ships].
Development of the City and Guilds Maritime Security Operative qualification is well underway. Units have been drafted to meet stipulated learning outcomes based on ISO28007.
3rg has provided one of the three industry subject matter experts involved in the development process. City and Guilds presented the work to date to the wider SCEG membership on Thursday 7th March.
Background points for the 8269 City and Guilds MSO Qualification:
  1. This qualification is being developed for Maritime Security Operatives (MSOs) operating as PCASP.
  2. It will be the only such qualification in Ofqual’s Qualification and Credit Framework based directly on the knowledge and competencies in ISO 28007.
  3. It will assist PMSCs demonstrate the competence of their operatives both to their clients and when being audited as part of the ISO 28007 certification process.
  4. The MSO 8269 qualification is expected to comprise four units with some 38 guided learning hours.  C&Gs have assessed it should be set at Level 3 in Ofqual’s Qualification & Credit Framework (QCF).  This reflects the complexity of the envisaged assessment of the required learning outcomes.
  5. As a Level 3 Ofqual qualification, ex-servicemen will be able to use their MOD ELCAS funding.
  6. C&Gs will start work on the assessment process later this month.
  7. C&Gs are working with the MCA to ensure the MSO 8269 qualification also satisfies the syllabus for personnel in designated security duties (PDSD) as required by the STCW Convention (as amended in Manila 2010) Regulation VI/6.
Visit 3rg | Operational Risk Management and Specialist Security Training for more detail or contact us viainfo@3rg.co.uk or call the 3rg training centre on 01202 744582


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